Hair Cut Services

All haircut services include complimentary shampoo, condition & blowdry


short hair

$50.00 clippers & scissors, above the ear

$70.00 scissors, above the ear

MID length + long hair

$80.00 below the ear/ above the shoulder

$90.00 below the shoulder, starting price


cut for curly hair includes an additional complimentary hair mask & defuse blowdry for curls

Shampoo / Blowdry

$100.00 starting price


Hair Color Services

All hair color services include complimentary shampooing, condition & blowdry


All over color

$140.00 starting price

Color retouch

$110.00 starting price

full Highlights

$250.00 starting price

Partial highlight

$190.00 starting price

Balayage Highlights

$240.00 starting price